Alone at Night (2023) Horror Movie Review


“Alone at Night,” a film that debuted in 2023, promised to be a thrilling addition to the slasher genre but ended up delivering a mixed bag of horror tropes and reality TV satire. The movie follows Vicky, portrayed by Ashley Benson, who retreats to a remote cabin after a break-up and continues her work as a lingerie model on a live-streaming website. However, her isolation is disrupted by a masked killer, turning her night into a fight for survival.

The film attempts to weave a meta-commentary on the voyeuristic nature of reality TV and social media, but it falls short of delivering a coherent message. Critics have pointed out the irony of a character complaining about internet connectivity while being online, a plot twist that seems to miss the mark on self-awareness. The screenplay, described by some as cringe-worthy, seems to undermine the film’s potential, with one reviewer noting it felt as if the script was penned during a blackout.

Despite its shortcomings, “Alone at Night” does have its moments. The horror elements are well-executed, with tense scenes and some good twists that keep the audience engaged. The technical aspects of the film, such as the camera work and editing, are commendable and show promise.

The cast delivers decent performances, with Benson carrying the film through its paces. However, the inclusion of a reality show element within the movie has been criticized for feeling tacked on and failing to add anything substantive to the narrative. This aspect, featuring social media personalities, detracts from the main storyline and leaves viewers wanting more cohesion.

In the Nutshell

“Alone at Night” is a film that might satisfy those looking for a straightforward horror experience but may disappoint viewers seeking depth and innovation in the genre. It’s a reminder that sometimes, less is more, and a focused narrative can be far more effective than trying to juggle multiple themes. The movie stands as a testament to the challenges of blending satire with horror, a task that requires a delicate balance to execute successfully. [2 out of 5].

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Genre: Horror Drama

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