“Disappear Completely,” a film that premiered on Netflix in 2022, is a haunting journey into the psychological and supernatural that leaves a lasting impression. Directed by Luis Javier Henaine, this movie is a masterful blend of horror and thriller that delves into the life of Santiago, a tabloid crime photographer whose life spirals into chaos after a fateful encounter.
Santiago, portrayed by Harold Torres, is a character that walks a fine line between ambition and moral ambiguity. His relentless pursuit of the perfect shot leads him to a crime scene that changes his life forever. The movie’s title is a clever play on the protagonist’s gradual loss of senses, which is both a literal and metaphorical descent into darkness.
The cinematography, led by Glauco Bermudez, is nothing short of brilliant. It establishes a visual language that is both sharp and disorienting, mirroring Santiago’s unraveling reality. As his senses diminish, so does the world around him, captured through the lens of Bermudez’s camera with a chilling precision.
The sound design deserves a special mention as it becomes a character in its own right, especially in the latter part of the film where the auditory experience aligns the audience with Santiago’s deteriorating perception. It’s a sensory experience that is both innovative and immersive, earning its place as a standout element of the film.
While “Disappear Completely” offers a slow-burn narrative, it’s the final act that truly captivates. The script, co-written by Henaine and Ricardo Aguado-Fentanes, takes some unexpected turns, attempting to provide explanations for Santiago’s condition. Although not all these narrative choices seem necessary, they do not detract from the overall impact of the story.
The film has been compared to the works of John Carpenter and Wes Craven, and it’s easy to see why. It has the same sense of a slow-motion car crash that’s impossible to look away from, a testament to Henaine’s direction and the script’s tight pacing.
In the Nutshell
“Disappear Completely” is a film that will resonate with fans of psychological horror and those who appreciate a more cerebral approach to the genre. It’s a movie that doesn’t rely on cheap jump scares but instead builds a creeping sense of dread that stays with you long after the credits roll. For those who haven’t seen it yet, it’s a must-watch on Netflix. [4 out of 5].
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Ending Explained (Spoiler Alert!)
The ending of the movie “Disappear Completely” is as haunting as it is thought-provoking, leaving viewers with a chilling blend of horror and tragedy. The film’s conclusion is a stark portrayal of desperation and the lengths one might go to reclaim a semblance of normalcy in life.
Santiago, the protagonist, is a photojournalist whose life spirals into a nightmare when he loses his senses one by one after a cursed encounter. The curse’s origin is as mysterious as its effects are terrifying, stripping Santiago of his smell and taste, isolating him from the world he once captured through his lens. His girlfriend, Marcela, stands by him, but the curse’s grip is relentless.
In a final, desperate bid to regain his life, Santiago was able to meet with the one who put curse on him. He agree to bring back his senses only if he sacrifices his unborn child. Santiago is presented with a harrowing choice: to sacrifice the embryo that Marcela is carrying in exchange for the lifting of the curse. The film leaves audiences pondering Santiago’s decision and its implications, as it cuts to black with Marcela’s voice echoing in the darkness.
The final and most crucial scene of Disappear Completely is without any audio to emphasize Santiago’s hearing loss. At the end, Santiago decided to go ahead and give mysterious liquid to Marcela to sacrifices the unborn. Marcela agree to help Santiago by drinking the tea. Santiago knew that is was very hard decision for her because having baby is what she really wanted.
During the ending, Santiago changed his mind and prioritized Marcela’s life and happiness over his own existence, and he decided that the baby must survive even if it meant that he would disappear completely. He pushed away the teacup because he did not want to sacrifice the unborn child. The curse allowed Santiago to look beyond himself, and he finally made the decision to protect his family. Santiago’s dreams remained unfulfilled, and maybe in the end he saw hope in his unborn child.
The movie’s ending is not just a resolution to Santiago’s story but a commentary on the human condition, the fear of loss, and the unknowns that lurk in the shadows of our existence. It’s a reminder of how fragile our reality is and how quickly it can be altered by forces beyond our understanding.
“Disappear Completely” is a film that doesn’t rely on conventional horror tropes but instead builds its terror through the psychological unraveling of its characters. The ending is a testament to the film’s ability to subvert expectations and leave a lasting impression on its audience.
Genre: Occult
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