Insidious: The Red Door (2023) Horror Movie Review


In this fifth installment of the “Insidious” franchise, director Patrick Wilson (who also stars in the film) takes us back to the Lambert family. Josh Lambert (Wilson) and his son Dalton (Ty Simpkins) have been absent from the series since 2013, when the focus shifted to psychic Elise Rainier in a string of prequels. Now, they return to face their family’s dark past and confront new terrors lurking behind the titular red door.

The concept of astral projection into the realm known as The Further remains creepy and intriguing. Lost souls and demonic entities haunt this supernatural plane, and the film capitalizes on this eerie premise. However, “Insidious: The Red Door” struggles to maintain the franchise’s scare factor. The scares feel tired, and the film edges toward a dead end for the series.

Josh and Dalton’s gift for astral projection isn’t just a mysterious phenomenon—it’s tied to inherited trauma and mental health struggles. The film explores Josh’s guilt and Dalton’s resentment following his parents’ separation. While this theme has been used in horror before, it lacks freshness here. The metaphor of family secrets and psychological wounds feels rote, draining the interest from the family drama.

The film attempts callbacks to previous “Insidious” entries, but they come across as half-hearted. The pieces don’t quite fit together, leaving some loose threads unresolved. Perhaps this is fitting for a franchise that never truly ends when it claims to.

Patrick Wilson’s directorial debut shows promise, but the execution falls short. The performances are uninspired, and the cinematography lacks the visual flair of earlier films. The conclusion disappoints, failing to live up to the legacy of its predecessors.


In the Nutshell

“Insidious: The Red Door” is flawed from its premise, resulting in a rather boring experience. While die-hard fans of the franchise may find some closure, others might wish they’d left the red door unopened. [2 out of 5].

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Genre: Supernatural | Demon

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