“All Eyes” is a film that takes viewers on a suspenseful journey into the unknown, blending elements of mystery and thriller genres to craft a narrative that is as intriguing as it is unpredictable. Directed by Todd Greenlee, the movie tells the story of a recently-fired podcast host who stumbles upon a story that could potentially revive his career. The plot thickens when the host discovers a widowed farmer’s claim of a monster lurking in the woods behind his farm. The host’s plan? To trap and kill the beast.
The film has received mixed reviews, with some praising its originality and compelling storytelling, while others feel it falls short in certain aspects. According to Rotten Tomatoes, the movie has an audience score of 57%, indicating a polarized reception. IMDb user reviews echo this sentiment, with comments highlighting the film’s originality and the standout performance of Ben Hall, who plays Don, the widowed farmer. The film’s low budget is evident, but it doesn’t detract from the heart of the story, which some viewers found to be quite engaging.
Reel Reviews appreciates the film’s focus on characterization, noting that the horror elements are homegrown and come to fruition in surprising and unsettling ways. Film Threat remarks on the film’s violent and gory nature, commending the cleverness of the deadly traps and the relentless action.
The cinematography of “All Eyes” deserves a mention, as it adds depth to the film’s atmosphere with its rich colors and thoughtful framing. The performances are solid across the board, with particular praise directed at Ben Hall’s portrayal of Don. His character’s journey is both a love story and an adventure, making him the emotional core of the film.
While “All Eyes” may not boast high-end special effects or explosive action sequences, it compensates with a strong narrative and a sense of originality that is refreshing in today’s cinematic landscape. The film’s ability to blend heartfelt moments with tension and action makes it a noteworthy entry in the indie film scene.
In the Nutshell
“All Eyes” is a film that dares to look beyond the surface, offering viewers a unique story that explores human pain and loss through the lens of a thrilling monster hunt. It’s a testament to the power of low-budget filmmaking and the impact of a well-told story. Whether you’re a fan of indie films or just looking for something different, “All Eyes” is worth a watch. [3 out of 5].
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Genre: Horror drama
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